Solving the Housing Crisis Starts with a Volunteer
As a volunteer, work with our partners to come up with creative solutions to achievable local housing. Below are some of the many volunteer opportunities we have available:
Help us conduct research on what other mountain communities are doing to solve the housing crisis, better ways to improve rental resources on our website to help connect renters with available housing, existing underutilized, vacant commercial buildings and industrial spaces in our region for housing, any housing code issues that may be unnecessarily interfering with housing etc.
Help to disseminate this and other critical housing information to the public by assisting us in developing web resources and news that will reach the community and increase public awareness, or come up with interesting speaker offerings to our community. *We are especially in need of volunteers who can help us provide all resources in Spanish (in addition to English)*
Legislative Work
Help us research key housing legislation and connect with state legislators, develop educational materials, etc. to help educate them on the unique housing challenges that face our region.
Programs & Campaigns
Help us work on a variety of housing campaigns, from coming up with incentive programs to rent to local workforce, temporary community housing pilot programs, and more. Below is a list of our existing groups who regularly meet and are available for you to join:
- Homelessness & Supportive Housing (including temporary community housing initiatives)
- State Policy/Legislative/State & Federal Advocacy
- Private Business Employers
- Quarterly Meetings
- Housing Crisis, Climate, and Forest Fires Intersections
- Jurisdictional Work
- Housing Funders
Fundraising & Development
Help us connect with key stakeholders for grants and other funding to help address housing issues in our region, including brainstorming on existing and potentially new housing trust options.