Partner Highlights

The Mountain Housing Council of Tahoe Truckee (MHC) is a project of the Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation and brings together 29 diverse partners to accelerate solutions to achievable local housing. The MHC’s goal is to build on the needs identified in the Truckee North Tahoe Regional Workforce Housing Needs Assessment and tackle the unique and pressing challenges of housing in the North Tahoe-Truckee region, including availability, variety, and affordability.

All Council partners have agreed to and signed the MHC 2.0_Collaborative Agreement document. Click on the tile icons below to see highlights from each partner.

Community Collaborative of Tahoe Truckee

June and August 2022 – Facilitated service-focused meeting between subsidized housing project managers and key partner agencies.

January 2022 – MHC Director Tara Zuardo gave housing update at CCTT’s monthly resource sharing meeting

November 2021 – CCTT added a housing section to its bi-monthly electronic newsletter providing partners with monthly updates on new affordable housing projects.

June 2021 –  Through public comment, CCTT raised awareness of housing issues in our community and urged Placer County Board of Supervisors to accelerate housing solutions.  MHC Director Tara Zuardo gave housing update at CCTT’s monthly resource sharing meeting.

March 2021 – Convened partners and provided community outreach regarding the Emergency Rental Assistance Program for Placer and Nevada Counties.

February 2021 – Sierra Community House provided an eviction moratorium update at CCTT’s Resource Sharing Meeting

January 2021 – CCTT continues to provide partners important housing updates at its regular meetings and in its bi-monthly electronic newsletter. Partners, AMI Housing, Nevada County, and Sierra Business Council provided partners updates around the eviction moratorium, Point in Time Count, and homeless services.

September 2020 – CCTT Partners have been engaged in important topics for our regional housing that includes Supportive Housing in Placer County, long-term plans for the Warming Center in Truckee, and also extending the Day Respite Center for our homeless population in Truckee.

Learn more on their website.

Contractors Association of Truckee Tahoe

January 2023 – Participating in Truckee Reach Codes committee to keep the decision-makers informed of the real world impacts that the increased standards/mandates would have on construction and housing affordability.

Participated in Truckee’s multi-family prescriptive development code writing committee to help refine the language to make it more clear and make the entitlement process less subjective/arbitrary for designers/developers.

Participated in Truckee’s GPU, working to make the new area plans / zoning most appropriate/flexible and development-friendly to facilitate/ encourage more developers to provide more housing of all types.

January 2021 – Worked closely with Town of Truckee Planning Department and Commission/Council to refine and update ADU Development Code sections for more flexibility and usability.

January 2020 – Worked with Town of Truckee to remove the language in the development code specifying a 3-acre minimum lot size for an ADU on septic. Continuing our work with Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board and will be expanding to work with the County Health Departments to make their rules clear and defined on this issue so that all jurisdictions can implement consistent rules and the public has a clear understanding of what is allowed.
Working with the Town of Truckee on their proposed new TOT tax that would be earmarked for funding affordable housing.

September 2019 – Working with Town of Truckee to refine their new Housing Element to be more proactive and favorable to the achievable local housing definition.
Continue to work with Truckee Town Council members and an official at Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board on ways to lower barriers to build ADUs on parcels on septic.

April 2019 – Request to Placer County for small project exemption on lieu fees including suggested formula alterations to allow exemptions.
Participating in Truckee General Plan Update to advocate for improvements for affordable housing.
Meeting with special districts to start the process to codify fee deferrals, reductions, and waivers as incentives for locals only housing. The biggest issue: finding a backfill source to replace lost fee revenue.

January 2019 – Advocating at Truckee Town Council to adopt the definition of Achievable Local Housing and expand the existing fee deferral policy to include achievable local housing units, as part of 2019 Housing Element Update.

September 2018 – Working with TRPA Development Rights Working Group to use bonus units as incentives for moderate and achievable local housing up to 195% AMI.
Requested Truckee Donner Recreation and Park District add “achievable housing” to their fee guidelines for waiver, deferral, or reduction of mitigation and Quimby fees.

April 2018 – Recommending new language for consideration by Town of Truckee and Placer County Building Departments for Local Achievable/Affordable Housing building permits to have a two day turnaround time.
CATT’s Local Government Affairs Committee unanimously approved the Achievable Local Housing Definition at its February 12, 2018 meeting.

January 2018 – Has started a dialogue with Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board about their prohibition on second units on parcels smaller than 3 acres (roughly 1000 parcels affected in Truckee).

Learn more on their website.

Donner Summit Association
Martis Fund

June 2021 – Supported a $600K grant to the Sierra Community House to support the North Tahoe Housing Advocacy and Direct Assistance program, supported a $350K grant to Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation to support the Donner Lake 6 project, approved an additional $250,000 for the Down Payment Assistance program, and approved $1M ($500K/year) for a Down Payment Purchase Program, or deed restriction program – Additional information TBD

November 2020 – The Martis Fund awarded a grant of $40,000 to the North Tahoe – Truckee Homeless Services (NTTHS), (formerly the Emergency Warming Center), to support of their Respite Day Center and Homelessness Support Services.

October 2020 – Supported Workforce Housing Development Projects: Frishman Hollow II with $1,000,000 and Meadow View Place Project with $100,000. Provided support to the Sierra Community House and the Emergency Warming Center. The Martis Fund Down Payment Assistance Program (DPAP) has provided down payment assistance to 46 households who live and work in our region.

April 2020 – Provided $1MM in funding to the Frishman Hollow II project. Increased funding for the Martis Fund Down Payment Assistance Program from $250k to $500k.

January 2020 – The Martis Fund Down Payment Assistance Program (DPAP), managed by SBC, has initiated a third round of funding in the amount of $500,000, for a total of over $1.4 million since 2016. A total of 38 families in our community have been supported with down payment assistance.

September 2019 – The Martis Fund Down Payment Assistance Program (DPAP) has completed its second round of funding for a total of $1.2 million since 2016. A total of 33 families in our community have received DPAP loans! The Martis Fund has allocated an additional $250,000 to the program for 2020.

June 2019 – 7 families have received Down Payment Assistance (DPAP) through the Martis Fund program since fall 2018. There is a balance of $195,800 remaining in the fund. Between the Placer County & SBC administration of the DPAP program since 2016, a total of 26 families have received a total of $1,004,200 program funds.

April 2019 – Developing a strategic plan around its workforce housing fund.
The Down Payment Assistance Program provided five closed loans totaling $219,400 with two loans pending. There remains $245,900 in funds.

January 2019 – The Down Payment Assistance Program has awarded three local families loans for a total of $130,500. Four loans are pending ($500K is available).

September 2016 – Launching Down Payment Assistance Program with Sierra Business Council as the new administrator, Sept 2016.

Learn more on their website.

Mountain Area Preservation

January 2023 –  During 2022, MAP participated in local land use planning and policy-related activities for the Truckee 2040 General Plan update and the Tahoe Basin Area Plan amendments, advocating for local workforce housing prioritization and other sound community planning policies and analysis needs for future growth and development in Truckee Tahoe. MAP also reviewed specific housing-related land use applications working with developers to address future workforce housing at Planned Community 3 (Soaring Ranch), the Railyard, Hilltop, and Coldstream.

December 2021 – Mountain Area Preservation is continuing to steward sound land use planning and policies in the Truckee 2040 General Plan public process which started in 201/2018. MAP is advocating for focus areas to provide local workforce housing overlays when considering additional density or future deed restrictions to ensure housing projects are dedicated to the local workforce. Solving the housing crisis for the Truckee-Tahoe workforce is not just a numbers game, it is ensuring we are building for our actual needs and considering the impacts associated with land uses and development for present and future generations.

August 2021 –  Alexis Ollar, MAP Executive Director, is currently serving on the Truckee 2040 General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC). MAP has been advocating for the protection of open space, local workforce housing, and climate action planning. MAP has also hosted two recent virtual outreach events, with 200+ attendees (Speak Up For Truckee), to educate the community on how to participate in government while educating community members on land use planning and policies in an effort to activate community members to participate in Truckee 2040.

December 2020 – Mountain Area Preservation (MAP) provided written and verbal comments to the Truckee Planning Commission and JMA for the Soaring Ranch Phase II mixed use development project, which includes 69 housing units. MAP’s comments provided suggestions for a more community orientated site layout, advocacy for more affordability, and additional questions/concerns for the applicant and planning division as the project moves through the public process. The project is expected to come back to the Planning Commission in January 2021.

September 2020 – MAP endorsed Measure K, which if supported by the Truckee community will create $700,000 annually to help support housing programs, open space and conservation.
MAP advocated for the creation of a Short Term Rental (STR) ordinance for the Town of Truckee, and provided public comments and suggestions during the public comment period for the STR ordinance.

February 2020 – MAP reviewed the environmental document (MND) for the Frishman Hollow II project, provided comments to improve the project and safety and supported the development of 68 units of deed restricted workforce housing at Frishman Hollow II.

January 2018 – Met with Family Resource Center to discuss preservation of Sunset Inn Mobile Home Park

Learn more on their website.

Nevada County

January 2023 –  The Pacific Crest Commons development continues to move forward in the approval process with the Town of Truckee. It is a 55-unit affordable workforce housing project that will be located at the old CHP site at Highway 89 and Donner Pass Road. It will consist of 11 Studios, 15 one-bedrooms, 15 two-bedrooms, 13 three-bedroom units and provide 10 permanent Supportive Housing units for Nevada County Behavioral Health. These will be the first Permanent Supportive Housing dedicated to the needs of Eastern Nevada County residents.

December 2021  Since 2017, eight developments have been in planning, active construction, or completed, totaling 301 new units of affordable housing throughout the county: 157 units for Western Nevada County and 144 units for Eastern County. A total of 175 units are now complete and are in the process of leasing or have residents already moved in. By January 2022, 69 additional units will be completed. Affordable housing is a priority for Nevada County. Watch this video to learn more. 

To learn more about The Nevada County Plan to Address Homelessness that includes strategies to increase affordable housing, please visit or


July 2021 – Working with Town of Truckee and local providers to identify possible acceptable locations for transitional housing programs for homeless residents in the Truckee area in advance of the next round of HomeKey funding.

Working with Town of Truckee staff and developers on funding options for new affordable housing project at old CHP location on Highway 89 near Donner Pass Road (Pacific Crest Commons).

January 2021 – The Nevada County Building Department and Planning Department have created two new informational pamphlets that provide information regarding Accessory Dwelling Units. One of the informational handouts is the “Fast Fact” informational sheet to provide a quick starter guide for exploring the basics of ADU rules, regulations, costs and fees. The second handout is called Frequently Asked Questions and is intended to provide more detailed information and answers for people who decide to pursue constructing an Accessory Dwelling Unit. Both informational handouts can be found here. The Planning Department and Building Department staff are available to further consult with perspective applicants and answer project specific questions regarding this housing option.

April 2019 – BOS unanimously adopted an ordinance amending the County’s development code to incentivize the development and long-term residential use of ADUs.

September 2018 – September 25th, BOS Reviewing Planning Commission recommendations for ADU Ordinance changes including: allowing ADU to be rented as STR, removing owner occupancy restrictions, allowing deferral of permit + road/sewer mitigation for smaller and/or low income units, removing 1 acre restriction for detached ADUs, adding specifics re: septic for ADUs.

Learn more on their website.

North Tahoe Community Alliance

February 2023 – The NLTRA is focused on supporting and advocating for workforce housing solutions. The shift in the organization’s funding source and focus due to the TBID approval means that roughly $4M in TOT that formerly funded the NLTRA’s Destination Marketing initiatives is now being allocated toward local workforce housing and transportation initiatives. Recent projects recommended by the NLTRA, its board and committees, and supported by TOT funds as approved by the Placer County Board of Supervisors include:

Lease to Locals
• To incentivize second homeowners to rent long term to the local workforce in Eastern Placer County, the NLTRA Board of Directors recommended that $500,000 of Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) support the Lease to Locals workforce housing program. The Placer County Board of Supervisors voted in favor of expenditure on June 28, 2022.
• In the first two months of the program alone, 126 homeowners expressed interest in renting their properties through the Lease to Locals program. As of Nov. 8, 2022, nine properties have been awarded grants, 16 people have been housed at an average property rent of $2,250 per month, and the total incentive cost has been $85,500.

Dollar Creek Workforce Housing Project pre-development related assistance
•The NLTRA board approved the recommendation of TOT funds to the Placer County Board of Supervisors in support of the Dollar Creek Housing Project.

In addition, NLTRA CEO Tony Karwowski serves on the Mountain Housing Council.

August 2021 – The North Lake Tahoe business community recently passed a Tourism Business Improvement District that will bolster a year-round economy, offset tourism impacts and re-allocate TOT dollars to support workforce housing initiatives and traffic mitigation solutions in peak seasons. The North Lake Tahoe Resort Association (NLTRA) will oversee the district, which was officially formed in July 2021 with extensive oversight from locally comprised committees and the NLTRA Board of Directors as to how funds are allocated.

The NLTRA focuses on a full spectrum of tourism services, rooted in midweek and shoulder-season visitation and targeting the long-haul traveler in nonstop flight markets. This includes conference and leisure sales, consumer marketing, special events, public relations and visitor services. The Chamber of Commerce focuses efforts on educational support, industry communications, business development and advocacy, networking and economic analysis.

January 2019 – Working with Placer County to research potential of a TBID to free up existing TOT funding for workforce housing.

September 2018 – Attended Vail, CO, Housing TREK in June 2018.
Served on facilitator team for Nahas Project Community Workshop.
Hosting George Ruther, Town of Vail’s Housing Director, as Keynote Speaker at Chamber Membership Luncheon, Oct 17.
NLTRA Board voted to support use of TOT Fund Balance for acquisition of Nahas Property.

Learn more on their website.

North Tahoe Public Utility District

February 2022 – NTPUD staff has begun an assessment of the District’s residentially zoned properties in Tahoe Vista for workforce housing potential.

Additionally, as a member of the Tahoe Alliance and the Tahoe Water for Fire Suppression Partnership, NTPUD leadership is working to create awareness in the California Legislature of the infrastructure investment needed to upgrade municipal water systems in the Lake Tahoe Basin to meet full firefighting requirements and expand firefighting water coverage. This collective effort aims to directly address fire hydrant gaps and fire suppression deficiencies throughout the region and protect the communities of Lake Tahoe from catastrophic wildfires. Additionally, adequate hydrant coverage and proximity can have a beneficial impact on homeowner insurance coverage availability and rates in the region.

March 2021 – The NTPUD Board of Directors approved changes to the District’s Water and Sewer Ordinances that included reductions in fees for District tests required for buying or selling a home in the District. The fee adjustments make the NTPUD processes and forms more consistent with other agencies in the region, reduce the administrative paperwork burden associated with buying and selling a home and encourage participation from new homeowners.

Moving forward, the NTPUD Board of Directors is dedicated to collaborating with our community partners and fellow utility districts throughout the region to address workforce housing issues.

May 2020 – The NTPUD Board of Directors approved changes to the District’s Water and Sewer Ordinances that included changes to exempt ADUs from requiring the installation of new or separate water and sewer connection. This action reduces the cost and burden for homeowners seeking to create and manage ADUs within the District.


Learn more on their website.

Olympic Valley Public Service District

The Olympic Valley Public Service District is invested in partnering with the Mountain Housing Council to facilitate securing more achievable housing throughout the region. When our workforce cannot afford to live locally it affects our community’s fabric, and it impacts the ability for communities to operate efficiently. Only 7% of our District’s personnel can afford to live within our service area of Olympic Valley; 40% of our Operations staff, 85% of our Administrative staff, and 38% of our Fire Department personnel live in the North Tahoe/Truckee area with the rest living over an hour’s drive away in the Reno, Carson, Sacramento, and Sierra Foothills regions. The long travel times from the homes of our first responders to our service area directly affects our ability to promptly respond to fire alarms, medical emergencies, as well as emergencies with our critical water and sewer infrastructure.

Learn more on their website.

Palisades Tahoe

January 2023 – Palisades Tahoe is pleased to have secured 241 beds for the 22/23 winter season. This was achieved through a mix of efforts including the purchase of an 8 unit property in Kings Beach, an increase in our inventory of ski leases, our campground program and two master leases with local hotels.

To support our current and future housing strategies we have hired a Workforce Housing Manager, along with a Housing Coordinator for support.

Palisades Tahoe will continue to actively pursue opportunities to enhance our employee housing inventory.

January 2019 – Secured six master leases resulting in 29 available beds for employees (one more house than last year resulting in five additional beds).
Secured new property in Kings Beach for 40 additional new spots for J-1 student employees for the 18/19 season.

Learn more on their website.

March 2023– Landing Locals rebranded to Placemate, created and filled 3 new local Tahoe jobs, and launched a new Lease to Locals program in E. Placer County (as well as Ketchum, Idaho). In our three Tahoe markets (Truckee, South Lake Tahoe, and E. Placer), our Lease to Locals programs have helped 315 locals secure housing at an average per person incentive cost of only $3,085.

December 2021 – Landing Locals officially launched a homeowner incentive grant program with the city of South Lake Tahoe. This program was created in hopes of converting more of the housing inventory to long-term rentals for local employees.

August 2021 – Truckee Town Council expanded the workforce grant incentive program to include rooms. Landing Locals starts matching individuals with homeowners for private room rentals.

December 2020 – In 2020, Landing Locals matched 173 people to 75 homes.

November 2020 – After the Truckee Town Council approved the Long-Term Rental Grant Program in September, 2020, which incentivizes homeowners to convert from a short-term rental or empty home to a long-term rental for local employees, Landing Locals made the first match of this program in November.

March 2020 – Use Landing rebranded as Landing Locals and launched new markets in Telluride, CO and Big Sky, MT.

December 2019 – In 2019, Use Landing matched 47 people to 17 homes in North Lake Tahoe/Truckee.

May 2019 – Successfully converted first short-term rental to a long-term lease and rented to a local family employed by TTUSD.

March 2019 – “Use Landing” was officially launched at the Mountain Ventures Summit in Mammoth Lakes, CA.

January 2019 – Landing Locals received an initial investment from the Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation in order to cover start-up costs, with the aim of converting empty houses and short-term rentals to seasonal and long-term rentals.

Learn more on their website.

Placer County

January 2023  

  • Hopkins Village, 40 units of for-sale townhomes, still has units available for income qualified buyers. Learn more here.
  • Staff is moving forward with proposed Tahoe Basin Area Plan Text Amendment, with anticipated adoption in Spring 2023. These amendments address economic sustainability and streamlining housing approvals.
  • Dollar Creek Crossing is still progressing in the design stage.  The Board Of Supervisors in September approved NLTRA’s recommendation on allocation of additional funds for affordable housing planning.
  • Lease to Locals has awarded 16 grants (38 people housed with an average rent of $2,466) with 10 properties in the screening process.
  • Meadowview Place has rented all 56 affordable units.

December 2021

  • Increased Workforce Housing Preservation Program funding from 15%/$100k max to 16%/$150k max
  • Hopkins Village homes are currently selling, 6 under contract so far
  • Coordinating with CA Tahoe Conservancy on potential purchase of CTC-owned land for housing
  • Homebuyer Webinars: We’ve held 6 homebuyer webinars countywide and have reached 84 people through those webinars
  • ADUs: TRPA has received six ADU applications for Placer
  • Tahoe Basin Area Plan amendments targeted for economic sustainability of town centers, includes housing amendments, planning for adoption in first half of 2022
  • Working with Housing Trust Placer to explore ways to assist with acquisition/conversion of multifamily, commercial, and motel land uses for workforce housing
  • Dollar Creek Crossing: Staff is finalizing project description with environmental consultant

August 2021 

  • The Housing Element Update for the 2021-2029 eight year planning period was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on May 11, 2021, and certified by the State Department of Housing and Community Development on August 6, 2021.  The updated Housing Element is on the County website at:
  • Workforce Housing Preservation Program launched Summer 2021, accepting applications from homebuyers, offers down payment assistance in exchange for deed restricting home for local workers
  • Meadow View Place opens Winter 2021 in Martis Valley – 56 affordable apartments
  • Hopkins Village accepting applications from qualified buyers, construction anticipated to be complete late winter/early spring 2022
  • Drafting 2nd round of amendments to the Tahoe Basin Area Plan (TBAP), targeting items identified in the Tahoe Basin Town Center Economic Sustainability Needs Analysis prepared by BAE Urban Economics last year
  • Dollar Creek Crossing, a planned mix of affordable and for-sale housing on 11 acres north of Tahoe City, is beginning environmental review
  • TBID approved, freeing up approximately $4 Million per year for housing and transportation in North Lake Tahoe
  • Projects to watch: 1) Tahoe Inn project pre-development meeting occurred to discuss replacement of the hotel with a workforce housing project, 2) Eastern Gateway (part of Kings Beach Center project)

January 2021 – 2021-2029 Housing Element Update draft approved by the Board and submitted to state for 60-day review
TBID approved and next steps
Hopkins Village Qualified Buyers List in process and initial release in February
2nd round of amendments to the Tahoe Basin Area Plan (TBAP), targeting items identified in the Tahoe Basin Town Center Economic Sustainability Needs Analysis prepared by BAE Urban Economics last year. This is following an initial round of amendments focused on recent changes in state law for ADUs as well as a few other Housing related items in an effort to encourage new housing construction and streamline the review process.
Beginning this spring the County will launch the Workforce Housing Preservation Program modeled on the Vail Indeed. Funding coming in part from the TOT.
Tahoe Inn project pre-development meeting occurred to discuss replacement of the hotel with a workforce housing project.

October 2020 – Construction has begun on Meadowview Place: 56 units, anticipated to be completed by October 2021
Hopkins Village: Building permits have been submitted, working with property owner to meet mitigation affordable housing sales price requirements
Tahoe Basin Area Plan Amendments: Targeting Planning Commission in November, full Placer & TRPA approval February/March
Workforce Housing Preservation Program to Board of Supervisors on Oct. 27
Affordable Housing and Employee Housing Ordinance agreed to by Board of Supervisors on Oct. 6, final approval by Board of Supervisors on Oct. 27
ADUs: Designated “ADU guru” staff member; ADU website and marketing to be up by end of year; East Placer ADU applications increasing (2 issued/6 in review in East Placer/6 preparing to submit with 5 of those in Tahoe Basin), compared to one per year historically in East Placer

April 2020 – Rolling out the workforce housing deed restriction program this summer, with the program going to Board of Supervisors soon
Working with TRPA on the Tahoe Basin Area Plan amendments for ADUs.
Working with the California Tahoe Conservancy, who owns land in North Lake Tahoe that could be used for affordable housing
Improving E-services which are helping with continuity of construction/housing projects. Website now has a chat box, fee estimator, permit support, and more:
Developing a Resource Center for ADUs. Working on rolling out services as they become available, including a web portal and dedicated info book on how to do ADUs that includes pre-approved plans, cost calculators, lender info, etc.
Meadowview Place tax financing was secured and will break ground this summer.
Conducting a feasibility study on the Dollar Creek Crossing project to modify the plans to encourage density and other housing types
Working on the Housing Element update for 2021-2029.
Working on a location for supportive housing.

January 2020 – Adopted new STR ordinance, requiring STRs be permitted, have a local contact to manage the home, and receive a life-safety inspection by local fire officials, among other requirements.
Establishing a private housing trust, Housing Trust Placer, to fund affordable housing projects throughout the County. The fund will allow for donations from a variety of sources.
Launched the 2021-2029 Housing Element Update process. On November 22, 2019 the County contracted with PlaceWorks Inc to assist in the process of updating the Housing Element as required under California state law.
County will soon launch a new web based Secondary Dwelling Resource Center inclusive of calculators to determine cost of construction and return on investment. It will also include inspirational ideas on location and design of second units as well as how to fast track an application, getting to construction sooner.
Meadowview Place (a.k.a Schaffer’s Mill) applied for building permits and anticipate beginning construction of 56 affordable units this year.

September 2019 – Placer County has prepared a Housing Strategy and Development Plan (HSDP). A component of the HSDP is a proposed update to the General Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Community Design Guidelines Manual to provide a better framework for future housing development in the County. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is being prepared for the Housing Code amendments. Additional mixed use opportunities and increased allowances for a mix of housing types, including cohousing, cluster housing, tiny houses and tiny home communities, are included.
Staff brought forward proposed amendments to the TRPA RPIC in May. The amendments would bring the Tahoe Basin Area Plan more closely into alignment with California Law and TRPA Code while improving the County’s capacity to provide affordable, moderate, and achievable housing options in the Tahoe Basin. Staff aim to bring forward finalized amendments to the TRPA Governing Board and County BOS by late winter/early spring 2020.
BOS approved $500,000 from county general fund to develop a pilot program to accelerate the production of affordable housing. The County is considering expansion of an existing first time home buyer program or potentially creating a new program around assistance in the development of Accessory Dwelling Units.
BOS directed staff to establish a private housing trust fund. The trust would provide a mechanism to secure gap funding for affordable housing projects, accommodate the donation of a variety of public, private and nonprofit sources of funding, acquisition of land, and to administer loans to builders to provide additional affordable housing on sites designated by the County.
BOS approved 2019-2020 Housing Program Work Plan. Its goal is to get 132 affordable units constructed each year over the next 20 years.

June 2019 – In the process of assessing whether to implement a TBID for marketing and possibly other business related services. A vote is expected before the end of the year. If it is successful, it could result in $4 million in TOT being reverted back to Placer County. This funding would be available for infrastructure and transportation needs, including housing.
If the TBID is not successful, it is possible Placer would seek additional TOT to meet these needs. Under either scenario it is likely they will go to voters in primary of general election in 2020 to ask for a permanent extension of the 2% TOT in eastern Placer County.

January 2019 – Nahas Project: Board approved Purchase and Sale of 11.4 acre Dollar Hill property for $3.6M, Placer County in negotiations with developer (Related-Pacific Companies) to build achievable local housing on site.
RFP issued for supportive housing service contract in Tahoe.
A Board of Supervisors Workshop on Housing will be held January 28th in Kings Beach.

April 2019 – BOS approved exclusive rights to negotiate a developer agreement with Related-Pacific Companies for Dollar Point Nahas Property

September 2018 – Nahas Project: 11.4 acre Dollar Hill property in escrow for development for local achievable housing with RFP to developers (a review panel to recommend a developer by end of year).
Housing Work Plan with Housing Strategy and Development Plan: Presenting to Planning Commission on Sept 13 and BOS on Sept 25; includes a menu of housing strategies.
Staff completing a housing finance strategy this coming year focused on funding strategies needed.

January 2018 – Placer County BOS met on January 9 to consider approval MOU with Neighborhood Partners in support of their $16.6 million Cap and Trade Grant to develop the affordable housing component of the Schaeffer’s Mill subdivision

September 2017 – Board of Supervisors approved 2017/2018 work plan on affordable, workforce housing
10/3 Board Agenda Includes Secondary Dwellings

Learn more on their website.

Sierra Business Council

August 2021 – In 2020-2021, Sierra Business Council has worked on the following initiatives:

  • Managed Policy Working Group and intervention in the California legislative process to increase funding for housing; funding for Housing in California budget increased from $11 to to $21 billion.
  • Drafted and approved a Mountain Housing Council policy platform.
  • Coordinated policy coordination meetings with more than 60 statewide housing organizations.
  • Managed regional homebuyer down payment assistance program with Martis Fund disbursing $1.5 million.
  • Provided direct technical assistance to 4 developers advancing 6 projects in the region resulting in 3 applications to date.

April 2020 – Participating in a state-level technical assistance program to support the advancement of regional housing projects

September 2018 – Hosting a tour of Factory OS, a prefabricated housing manufacturing company in Vallejo on Friday, Sept 28. Contact Chris Mertens at to attend.

Learn more on their website.

Sierra Community House

January 2023 –
Since mid-March 2020, Sierra Community House helped community members retain safe, affordable housing by providing:
• $751,508 in rental assistance to 368 households
• $235,065 in utility assistance to 647 households
• Application assistance for and to 96 households;
• Legal advocacy on landlord tenant issues, such as education about renter’s rights and other eviction prevention support to 108 households.
• Emergency shelter and/or long-term housing assistance for 128 community members experiencing domestic and/or sexual violence;
• Financial coaching to help community members create action plans towards financial goals and manage household finances as a step toward sustained housing;

SCH maintains the full-time Housing Specialist Family Advocate position that was added during 2021 with capacity-building dollars. This Advocate serves as primary point of contact for workforce housing supports. In December 2022, SCH secured California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) Rapid Rehousing funds for domestic violence survivors that focuses on securing safe, permanent housing as quickly as possible through housing identification, financial assistance, and supportive services. With this grant, we will expand our survivor-focused capacity by hiring a full-time Crisis Advocate and full-time Housing Coordinator who will provide direct financial housing assistance to domestic violence survivors, and advocate for the housing needs of domestic violence survivors with landlords, community partners and policy-makers.

August 2021 – Since mid-March 2020, Sierra Community House helped community members retain safe, affordable housing by providing:

  • $540,800 in rental payments to 272 households;
  • $183,882 in utility assistance to 502 households;
  • Application assistance for and to 96 households;
  • Support and case management for 18 community members experiencing homelessness;
  • Legal advocacy on landlord tenant issues, such as education about renter’s rights and other eviction prevention support. to 64 households.
  • Emergency shelter and/or long-term housing assistance for 16 community members experiencing domestic and/or sexual violence;
  • Financial coaching to help community members create action plans towards financial goals and manage household finances as a step toward sustained housing;
  • Direct housing advocacy by hiring a Housing Specialist who serves as the primary point of contact for community members seeking housing support

March 2021 – Sierra Community House provides rental and utility payment assistance, homeless outreach, education on renters rights, conflict resolution and legal assistance with housing issues.
Since mid-March 2020, we delivered $515,000 in rental assistance to 333 households. Through partnerships with Truckee Donner Public Utility District and Southwest Gas, we have mobilized more than $150,000 of utility assistance to 439 households.
Sierra Community House provides emergency shelter and long-term housing assistance for qualifying community members experiencing violence, and our Homeless Outreach Coordinator partners closely with the Tahoe Truckee Homeless Services Coalition in providing information and support to community members experiencing homelessness.
Sierra Community House continues to assist community members access housing assistance through local, county and state programs.

January 2018 – Ad-Hoc Committee formed to document the number/type of mobile homes that exist in the region and to explore options for supporting this form of affordable housing.
Working with Sunset Inn Mobile Home Park Residents facing displacement due to development

Learn more on their website.

Sugar Bowl Resort

July 2021 – This summer we opted to share our available employee housing with the Great Basin Institute (GBI), which is a non-profit entity performing forest health work for the USFS in our area.  The building is designated as “workforce housing” so our ability to allow the units to be occupied by non-Sugar Bowl employees is quite limited, but in this case because we worked with GBI, we were able to accomplish that.  They moved in back in May as soon as we closed, and they will stay through October.

August 2020 – Working with the Town of Truckee to store modular units until site work is completed for Frishman II, a 48 new affordable rental unit project.

Learn more on their website.

Tahoe City Public Utility District

July 2021 – TCPUD participated in emergency meetings of the Mountain Housing Council to examine potential short-term solutions to the recently exacerbated housing crisis in the region.
TCPUD also participated in a meeting with Placer County regarding the Dollar Creek Crossing project to discuss potential mechanisms to support the housing project.

March 2021 – The Tahoe City Public Utility District Board of Directors reaffirmed their commitment to the work of the Mountain Housing Council by approving continued financial and staff support and participation.

April 2018 – Board of Directors approved Achievable Local Housing Definition at its March 16, 2018 meeting.

January 2018 – Met with Donald Terry, NeighborWorks Home Ownership Center, to discuss concerns over lack of available housing for full-time and seasonal residents

Learn more on their website.

Tahoe Donner Association

January 2019 – Implemented new short term rental rules to mitigate nuisance issues, effective 1/1/19. Rules can be reviewed at:
The Master Lease Program is providing housing to 61 winter seasonal employees (J-1’s) in 7 master-leased homes and 1 home owned by the association.

September 2018 – Considering new rules related to STRs: registration, owner real-time contact requirements, compliance/notification to renters, occupancy limits, and parking limits.
Drafting updates to governing documents which may include approving second kitchens in ADUs.

January 2018 – Renting 9 homes and one TDA-owned and renovated home to house 70 International J-1 workers employed by Tahoe Donner.
Working with the MHC to solicit member property homes to participate in a focused MHC survey.

Learn more on their website.

Tahoe Prosperity Center

May 2023 – Tahoe Prosperity Center has hired a new Program Manager, Bill Chan who will be overseeing housing. The Tahoe Prosperity Center is just completed the second phase of housing work in the Incline Village/Crystal Bay region of Washoe County (Washoe Tahoe). Phase 1 pulled community partners together (Washoe Tahoe Housing Partnership – WTHP) to complete a Housing Needs Assessment. Based on that, the community decided to create a Housing Roadmap to outline policies, proposals and incentives to support more local housing. That Housing Roadmap is now public and being shared extensively in the community. More information can be found here:

August 2021 – Thanks to a public-private partnership effort the Tahoe Prosperity Center is proud to once again serve as the convener for a newly formed Washoe Tahoe Housing Partnership. We are coordinating a needs assessment and strategies for local resident housing in the Incline Village and Crystal Bay areas of Lake Tahoe. We have brought together a diverse group of local stakeholders, members of the community, and technical guidance from an expert consulting team. This is the last section of the lake to have this type of housing analysis completed, and will provide important guidance on how the area fits into the greater Lake Tahoe region.

For more information visit our Housing page on our website at:

November 2020 – Phase II, the Housing Action Plan, was completed in March 2020. Twenty distinct strategies were identified and prioritized, with various agencies taking lead and supporting roles. As of November 2020, despite significant challenges due to Covid-19 pandemic, substantial progress has been made on virtually every strategy, including:

  • Through a joint partnership between the Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless and the TRPA, Project Homekey could significantly reduce local homelessness on the South Shore with the acquisition of three motel properties
  • First time homebuyer loan program in the works at the City of South Lake Tahoe
  • ~350 new affordable workforce housing units in the pipeline with Sugarpine Village, and Ski Run and Pioneer affordable (low-income) projects
  • 3 new moderate income ownership homes coming soon from St. Joseph Community Land Trust
  • Several new incentives for affordable housing including TRPA development commodities, land coverage, and STPUD sewer units
  • The City has received the most privately financed multi family project applications in its history
  • Agencies are collaboratively problem solving on a weekly basis
  • Tahoe Home Connection continues to unlock under utilized second homes for locals, with some additional funding from the City

January 2020 – South Shore agencies and jurisdiction collaboratively funded a Housing Opportunity Assessment and Action Plan for the South Shore, including both CA and NV. Phase I, the Needs Assessment, was completed on schedule (July – November 2019) and shared with the public in December (
Phase II, the Housing Action Plan, is currently in process and is in public feedback stage. The Action Plan will include a multitude of actionable priorities, spread among various partners and agencies, to increase the availability of suitable housing options. Completion is on track to be finished by March of 2020.
Tahoe Home Connection (TaHoCo) property managers have successfully matched 6 local families (12 people) with vacant second homes this fall and winter. These locals work at Kirkwood, Harrah’s, Montbleu, and other local ski resorts and restaurants. TaHoCo also received a grant to upgrade and automate homeowner and tenant matching services on our website.

September 2019 – South Shore agencies and jurisdictions have collaboratively funded a Housing Opportunity Assessment and Action Plan for the South Shore, which includes both CA and NV. The first component of the Assessment, a housing survey, was completed in August. Results will be shared in the Assessment in October 2019.
The Housing Action Plan will follow the Assessment and will include actionable steps to increase the availability of suitable housing options. Completion expected by the first quarter of 2020.

June 2019 – Coordinating the development of the South Shore Housing Opportunity Assessment and Action Plan. Estimated time for completion is eight months. Expert consultation of this effort is being led by WSW Consulting, Inc.; Rees Consulting, Inc.; Williford, LLC; SMR Development, LLC.

April 2019 – The Housing Tahoe Partnership Policy Workgroup developed a parking policy that allows for flexible parking options for future affordable and full-time resident housing. TPC is working to ensure the policy is adopted by local governments.
The South Tahoe PUD Board changed administrative code to allow for transfer of sewer and water units between parcels to encourage affordable housing projects. They also reduced sewer hook-up fees by reducing rates for affordable and workforce housing projects.

January 2019 – Convened 15 housing workgroup meetings in 7 months (Policy, Outreach, Finance and Development). Successes include: approval of a Parking Reduction Policy, lowering connection fees for affordable and workforce housing by the South Tahoe Public Utility District, completion of 10 case studies and pro-formas on local parcels, mapping of land available for housing in South Lake Tahoe, and development of to unlock seasonal homes for long-term rentals.

September 2018 – The Housing Tahoe Partnership (South Shore version of MHC): facilitated kick-off and 12 workgroup meetings since April. Over 50 people involved in 4 workgroups: Policy, Finance, Development, and Community Outreach.
Policy consideration: eliminate hook up fee for transfer of sewer units from old motels to affordable/workforce housing projects.

April 2018 – Tahoe Workforce Housing (South Lake MHC) Kick-off Meeting is April 16.

Learn more on their website.

Tahoe Regional Planning Agency

April 2023 – TRPA Governing Board approved an update to the “achievable” deed-restriction definition, to include a local employment requirement for households making more than 120 percent of Area Median Income.

The Tahoe Living Working Group provided input on updates to TRPA’s Height, Density, and Coverage development standards to make affordable, moderate and achievable housing more financially feasible. TRPA will conduct public outreach over the summer and plans to bring the amendments forward to TRPA Governing Board committees in the late summer or early fall of 2023 for hearings and consideration for approval by December 2023.

December 2021 – The TRPA Governing Board approved updates to the Mobility Mitigation Fee for new development, including a waiver of the fee for deed-restricted affordable, moderate, and achievable housing located within proximity to transit and services. Read the Governing Board documents here.

August 2021 – The TRPA Governing Board approved the Phase 1 Housing Amendments on July 29, 2021, based on consultation with the Tahoe Living Housing and Community Revitalization Working Group. The amendments allow Accessory Dwelling Units on all residential parcels on the California side of the Tahoe Basin, subject to local regulations, allow non-conforming tourist density to be redeveloped as residential density on-site, and expand opportunities for homeowners to take advantage of development rights at no cost in exchange for an affordable-achievable deed-restriction. The Tahoe Living Working Group will be launching the next phase of their work on October 28, 2021, and will be considering changes to policy that regulates the building envelope and the number of units allowed per parcel.

July 2021 – A package of housing amendments, called the Phase 1 Housing Amendments, have emerged from the Tahoe Living Housing and Community Revitalization Working Group. The amendments include allowing Accessory Dwelling Units on all residential parcels in the Tahoe Basin, subject to local regulations, and allowing non-conforming tourist density to be redeveloped as residential density on-site. TRPA‘s Advisory Planning Commission recommended approval of the amendments to TRPA‘s Governing Board on July 14. The Governing Board is scheduled to hear the amendments and will consider a motion for approval on Thursday, July 29.

February 2021 – Placer County and the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency approved a set of amendments to the Placer County Tahoe Basin Area Plan (TBAP) that are aimed at accelerating the production and supply of affordable-achievable housing in the North Tahoe-Placer County area. These amendments are part of a comprehensive effort to meet State of California mandates for affordable housing specified in the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) and Sustainable Communities Strategy, as well as meet Regional Plan and TBAP goals of sufficient workforce housing in compact, walkable town centers to meet TRPA threshold standards. The amendments add additional multi-residential uses to multiple districts, and updates Accessory Dwelling Unit standards and permitting processes, as well as other changes.

January 2021 – The TRPA Governing Board approved the 248-unit Sugar Pine Village Affordable Housing project in South “Y” Town Center in South Lake Tahoe.

June 2020 – TRPA Governing Board approved Tahoe Living: Housing and Community Revitalization Working Group, a committee of the Advisory Planning Commission to focus on achieving Regional Plan and state mandated affordable-achievable housing goals over the next year.

April 2020 – Amended the South Shore Area Plan to allow for a 77-unit affordable housing project on Ski Run in South Lake.

January 2020 – Effective January 28, 2020, fees for ADUs that are deed-restricted affordable, moderate, or achievable will be waived.
Local Government and Housing Committee approved 6-month Housing Work Plan to develop TRPA Housing Action Plan. Action Plan includes monthly Governing Board workshops. First workshop is January 22nd on California and Nevada Housing Legislation, including new CA ADU regulations.

June 2019 – Created the Housing Ombudsman role, to assist achievable housing projects as they move through the permitting process and to recommend process improvements.
The TRPA Governing Board re-designated its Local Government Committee as the Local Government and Housing Committee. The role of this committee will be to share information among local jurisdictions on progress on housing initiatives, and to make code update recommendations to the TRPA Governing Board.

September 2018 – Fees: Governing Board to consider a new fee schedule that waives the plan review fee for achievable, moderate, and low income housing projects.
Development Rights Working Group voted to recommend the Governing Board approve the addition of a new “achievable” housing category for incentives based MHC proposed method, and 50% of over 1100 bonus units be made available as an incentive.

September 2017 – 9/27 agenda includes short term rentals and presentation by Host Compliance
9/26 Development Rights Working Group

Learn more on their website.

Tahoe Sierra Board of Realtors
Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation

July 2021 – Landing Locals, a local start-up seed funded by TTCF celebrates 3 years. With a focus on helping our local workforce find long-term rentals, they have successfully completed 150 transactions, have partnerships with local jurisdictions, and have expanded to Big Sky, Montana and Telluride, Colorado.

April 2020 – The Mountain Housing Council recommits to another 3 years of convening, aligning and leveraging efforts to accelerate housing solutions. TTCF Board approves management of the program and fundraises to support the efforts.

June 2019 – TTCF’s Impact Investment and partnership with Martis Fund, the Truckee Artist Lofts, receives tax credits and breaks ground in August.

February 2019 – Provided seed funding to help start-up company, Landing Locals, to help connect long-term rental opportunities for local workforce. Launch announced at the Mountain Ventures Summit.

September 2017 – Produced podcast Tahoe Insider featuring conversation around complexity of regional housing crisis and its effects on community
Produced video on Elevate Tahoe about the local housing crisis.

April 2017 – Launched Mountain Housing Council and held the first quarterly meeting.

Learn more on their website.


Town of Truckee

2021 Highlights in Housing

188: New units open in Truckee (all 80% AMI and below) 124 leased up, 56 in the works
(Truckee Artist Lofts, Coldstream Commons, Frishman II)

82: Local employees housed in homes unlocked in the Town of Truckee Workforce Rental Grant Program; a partnership with Landing Locals.

15: ADU permits processed by the Town Building Department. 1 Mini grant in process.

300: New units celebrated at the Oct 1 Regional Ribbon Cutting Fest! Fun party, bus tours, food trucks and statewide presentations from key leaders in State housing funding. Big win for our region!

In the works…
Below Market Rate Housing Program: Under development— goes to Council for final review early 2022. Will offer a deed-purchase to help homebuyers get into the market, employers a path to house employees and incentives for developers. Phase 1 will focus on ownership products.

Update Short-Term Rental Ordinance: Under development–goes to Council in Feb 2022. Potentially will cap # of STR registrations. 

April 2021 – The Town of Truckee continues to work proactively on housing. On March 23, Town Council approved a two year Work Plan where housing was listed as one of the top five priorities in the Plan.
Click here to review staff report and Plan

Program Updates:
1) Long-Term Rental Grant Program: 11 Homes Unlocked for Long-Term Rentals via the Town of Truckee Long-Term Rental Grant Program. 16 local employees served in 11 homes. Goal is 25 for the year.
2) ADU Program Updates: 9 permits in-progress. Launching grant and loan program for ADUs in April for both new and existing/unpermitted units.

Project Updates:
1) Truckee Artists Lofts: 76 affordable (80% AMI and below), income restricted artist units opening later this year. Town assisted with enrollment process including co-hosting webinar with Moonshine Ink
2) Coldstream Commons: 48 affordable (60% AMI and below), highly sustainable units. Enrollment open in June
3) Frishman II: 68 affordable (80 % AMI and below), income restricted units

January 2021
Long Term Rental Grant Program results: 5 homes secured for local employees, 2 more by Feb 1 expected – 7 TOTAL
Accessory Dwelling Unit Pilot Program – ADU Program launched: Goal is to create 15 new ADUs per year to increase inventory of long-term, affordable rentals within existing neighborhoods in Truckee. Services: Information, Technical Assistance, Incentives (Council review on Jan 26th)
– Results: 18 ADU permits, 60 inquiries
Town of Truckee Housing Programs
New Housing Program Updates

October 2020 – Long-Term Rental Grant Program launched on Oct 14, 2020. Goal is to unlock existing homes, previously short-term rented or underused, as long-term rentals for local employees. $3,000 grant offered to homeowners for 1 year leases of their homes.

April 2020 – Issued a building permit for Coldstream Commons, being developed by Neighborhood Partners. The developer needs additional financing before they can proceed with the project.
Moving forward on the Riverview Corporate Yard, which will include an affordable/workforce housing component
Updated the Town’s housing program webpage
Working with Landing Locals to implement a rental conversion program, focused on unlocking existing housing stock for long-term rental
Implementing the ADU incentives program

January 2020 – Hired Seana Doherty as Housing Program Manager, starting January 13, 2020.
Hired Host Compliance to explore short term rental issues and solutions.
Council directed staff to use $500,000 of the $2 million dollar housing opportunity fund to incentivize ADUs. Other programs that will be explored with the housing opportunity fund are homebuyer’s assistance programs, a deed restriction pilot program, and funding assistance for housing projects that meet Town goals. The details of the ADU incentives will be coming to Council in February.
Facilitated three stakeholder groups for a potential revenue measure for housing. It looks promising to put a 2% increase to the Town’s Transient Occupancy tax on the ballot in November 2020 but details are yet to finalized – this is just a recommendation by this committee and will need to be finalized by Council.
The State has granted the Town SB-2 funding which is anticipated to be used to help analyze and facilitate rezones for housing.
The Town anticipates that the Planning Commission will review Frishman Hollow II, a 68-unit affordable housing project, in February. This is meant for 50-80% of AMI.
Approved application from Pacific West Communities to develop Frishman Hollow II. The project will be built in summer 2020 and took less than a year from concept to construction.

September 2019 – Housing Element was approved by both the Planning Commission and Town Council. Submitted to Housing and Community Development (state) for final review; held two General Plan Advisory Council (GPAC) meetings and joint Placer County and Town of Truckee workshops as part of the process
Completed polling for stable funding source for housing. Transient Occupancy Tax is the preferred solution; polling shows 80% positive approval for such a measure. Moving forward with stakeholder group to develop a plan for a potential 2020 ballot measure.
Gray’s Crossing: Two meetings complete. The process is on pause until site design work can be completed on Parcel D and technical questions can be answered on the Cottage parcel.
Coburn Crossing: Nearing Completion: 132 deed restricted, market-rate apartments, 6 low income workforce units. Opening soon.
Artist Lofts: Under construction: 77-unit Artist Lofts project broke ground in August.
Frishman Hollow II: Application is in, State grant sources are being sought. Town Council agreed on process to convey land to developer.

June 2019 – Submitted a draft Housing Element for 2019 to the State’s Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for their preliminary 60 day review.
Applying for $160,000 in State HCD funds to support some rezoning considerations on a handful of key parcels that could be viable for workforce/affordable housing.
Received a $250,000 (cap and trade) sustainability grant from the State to do a more in-depth urban design and economic feasibility assessment of key locations along the Donner Pass Road corridor, presumably to provide adequate incentives and zoning options for some mixed use development to enhance the corridor as a compliment to the engineering enhancements now underway – this will feed into the General Plan.
The town is completing its polling on a parcel tax or transient occupancy tax increase/change to fund workforce and affordable housing. Results should be ready in June 2019.
Beginning to develop infrastructure at the Donner Pass Road and I-80 intersection. The first phase includes 25-50 smaller-lot houses, and eventually a 48-unit low income housing project.
Greys Crossing: There are three meetings planned with various stakeholders, including neighbors and developers at Gray’s Crossing, to see if there is an agreement around zoning and housing development on the remaining properties.

April 2019 – Holding General Plan Update and House Truckee First! Workshops
Held a community workshop to update Gray’s Crossing Specific Plan in order to create a pathway to achievable housing
Conducting study to define funding needs for local housing in Truckee
Helped secure a 9% tax credit for the affordable housing project at the Truckee Railyards
An application for a 9% tax credit has been submitted to support improvements to the Truckee Donner Senior Apartments
Housing Coordinator staff position in the draft budget for 2019-20

January 2019 – Construction commenced on 138 locals-only apartments (Coburn Crossing), the Town completed the first House Truckee First Strategy community workshop, approved the revised 90-unit Artist Lofts Affordable Housing Project, and re-zoned the McIver Dairy parcel to allow higher density.
Upcoming: restructuring the Gray’s Crossing Specific Plan, hosting more House Truckee First Workshops and Housing Element update, reviewing the MHC Short-term Rental White Paper, and working on strategy for local funding sources for housing.

September 2018 – Funding sources: Study was conducted by BAE, and Council directed staff to look at a potential parcel tax or increase in transient occupancy tax – ongoing research.
Housing Element Rezone: Rezoning of Upper McIver Dairy to meet Housing Element programs to ensure eligibility for state-funded grants.
General Plan update kick-off: House Truckee First Strategy and Housing Element update will begin.
Coburn Crossing Apartments: Building permits issued for vertical construction in August (138 locals’ deed-restricted rental apartments).

April 2018 – Submitted Achievable Local Housing Recommendation to the Truckee Planning Commission March 27 for inclusion in the 2019 Housing Element Update list of issues for discussion.

Learn more on their website.

Truckee Chamber of Commerce

August 2021 – Truckee Chamber continues to push out important housing information to the community. The August 10, 2021, Good Morning Truckee focused on housing with speakers Tara Zuardo, Project Director of Mountain Housing Council; Seana Doherty, Housing Program Manager for the Town of Truckee; Emily Vitas, Executive Director of the Truckee Tahoe Workforce Housing Agency; and Colin Frolich, Chief Executive Officer of Landing Locals. The session received media coverage and was recorded. View here. Additionally, the Chamber highlighted the Town’s expanded long-term rental program, now called the Workforce Rental Grant Program, on

July 2021 – Truckee Chamber launches newly redesigned website, with comprehensive Housing & Rentals section, with information on long and short term rentals, ownership, housing resources, and Mountain Housing Council providing an important resource for current and potential new residents and businesses.

January 2019 – Truckee Tomorrow Socio-Economic project partnered with MHC to develop data for Short Term Rental White Paper.

Learn more on their website.

Truckee Downtown Merchants Association

February 2022 – Representative Cassie Hebel participates on the MHC Supportive Housing and Homelessness Working Group. She was a key partner providing outreach to downtown businesses in the 2022 Point in Time Count, which is a count of sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness on a single night. 

Learn more on their website.

Truckee North Tahoe Transportation Management Association

July 2021 – TART Connect, is a new, free, on-demand shuttle service that operates in three zones, on the North Shore of Lake Tahoe. Use TART Connect to get to and from restaurants, shopping, bus connections, work, beaches, and anywhere else within the service areas. Get the app in your app store, request an on-demand ride using the TART Connect app, and get picked up in as little as 15 minutes!

When does TART Connect Operate?

The TART Connect pilot program will operate from June 24th through Labor Day. This service will operate from 8:00 am – Midnight, daily.

How will TART Connect Work?

Download the APP, choose a destination in your zone and in as little as 15 minutes to will get picked up. No app? Just call: 530-214-5811

January 2021
Tahoe Truckee Area Regional Transit (TART) Winter Service: Both Truckee and North Lake Tahoe night service has been suspended until further notice. The TART Winter bus schedule is in operation through April 4th. All rides are FREE. To view the schedule, visit Please avoid the spread of COVID-19 when using TART – wear a face covering, load through the rear door when feasible, & practice social distancing.

Truckee/ North Tahoe Park and Ride Program:
The park and ride program provides free hourly bus service on weekends and President’s Day through March 28th. Please visit to view the Park and Ride schedule.

North Lake Tahoe Express (NLTE): The NLTE offers year-round, scheduled service between Reno-Tahoe International Airport and the North Lake Tahoe-Truckee region. We are open with COVID-19 safety precautions in place. Reservations are required 24-hours in advance:

Learn more on their website.

Truckee Tahoe Airport District

December 2020
The TTAD Board approved a 2021 Budget that includes $1M for housing, transit, and general agency partnerships and $240K for the RPL Project to subsidize workforce housing development in the Lazando Tract.

Contributed $500K to Placer County for the acquisition of the Nahas Property in Tahoe City for achievable housing.

Reimbursed $60,000 to RPL Properties for phase 1 of the Lazando project and approved an additional $600,000 for future phases of the project

Learn more on their website.

Truckee Tahoe Workforce Housing Agency

November 2021 – Launched a Tahoe Truckee regional long-term rental pilot program. The program incentivizes homeowners within the TTUSD service boundary to rent to TTWHA employees.  

September 2021- Added Placer County, Nevada County and the Town of Truckee as member agencies. TTWHA now comprises 7 agencies and 2,300 employees. 

July 2021 – Celebrating nearly 100 employees served in our first year of housing activities. Through the Landing Locals program, regional partnerships, and our employee concierge services, we matched 17 families with long-term rentals, helped one employee purchase their first home in Truckee, and supported nearly 80 employees in their housing search.

July 2020 – TTWHA kicked off a housing match program in partnership with Landing Locals. The partnership is a pilot program to provide a direct connection to available housing for the employees of our four member agencies.

June 2020 – TTWHA is working with Wendy Sullivan and WSW Consulting on an Employee Housing Needs Assessment. The assessment includes a survey that has been distributed to all member agency employees (nearly 1,800 people) to gauge their housing stability, interest in potential housing programs, housing budgets, and more. Results will be complete by end of Aug.

March 2020 – TTWHA was formed in early 2020 to address the increased need for housing for the employees of our four member agencies: Tahoe Forest Hospital District, Tahoe Truckee Unified School District, Truckee Tahoe Airport District, and Truckee Donner Public Utility District.

Learn more on their website.

Vail Resorts | Northstar

August 2021 – 
Vail Resorts has expanded the Housing Team to better understand employee housing needs and search for long and short term housing opportunities while compiling existing housing resources to share with employees. 

Vail Resorts continue to operate the 54 bed Candlestick Employee Housing Campus in Kings Beach and are working to secure approximately 70 beds at the Tahoe Biltmore cottages.

Learn more on their website.

Visit Truckee-Tahoe

January 2023 – Visit Truckee-Tahoe (VTT) CEO Colleen Dalton provided the annual TTBID report to Town Council on December 13, 2022. Dalton reported Measure K collections from Truckee lodging businesses (2% Transient Occupancy Tax) totaled $1,837,206 since inception in FY 20/21, significantly outpacing expectations. Measure K supports Town of Truckee’s housing initiatives, open space and wildfire mitigation. Measure K was unanimously supported by VTT Board of Directors.

August 2021 – Visit Truckee-Tahoe actively participates with the Town of Truckee on housing solutions related to Short Term Rentals (STRs) and promotes Landing Locals to STR owners, encouraging consideration of switching to long term rentals.

November 2020 – Visit Truckee-Tahoe Board officially endorsed and promoted a YES vote for Measure K to increase TOT from 10% to 12% in order to provide funding for housing.

Learn more on their website.

Do you have an Update?

Council Partners are encouraged to keep adding and updating their information on the Partner page to track progress. Please submit new highlights on the Mountain Housing Council Highlight Hub.

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