Truckee recently adopted amendments to its short-term rental ordinance, including rules on how many registration certificates will be issued, rules for new homeowners in the area, and increased penalties. Read more about the program here.

Caps, Renewals and New Application Deadlines
Truckee will begin phasing out short-term rentals in accessory dwelling units and multi-family dwelling units. Units with an existing registration certificate will be allowed to renew, though no new registration certificates will be issued. The cap adopted is 1,255 short-term rental registration certificates, which reflects the number of active registered short-term rentals as of the end of 2021. Town staff indicated that roughly 100 of the 1,255 registration certificates are currently available, but some of those could be renewed by the May deadline.

May 15, 2022: The final renewal deadline for 2021 certificate holders.
June 13, 2022: Applications will open for new registration and the waitlist.
July 1, 2022: Begin quarterly assessment and release of available registration certificates to the waitlist.
December 31, 2022: An annual registration deadline of Dec. 31 will go into effect.

STU Registration Waiting Periods after Home Sales
In order to prevent buyers from purchasing a home as an investment property for the purpose of short-term renting it, Town Council also adopted a 365-day waiting period after a home sale before the new owner can register the unit as a short-term rental.

A first violation of the ordinance will jump from $500 to $1,500. A second violation doubles those numbers, and subsequent violations, which were $1,000, will now increase to $5,000. However, rental operators will be given an opportunity to correct any violations before fines are issued.

New Incentive Program
This summer, Council will consider a new workforce housing incentive program by making use of a limited pool of short-term rental registration certificates as a way to incentivize the private sector to contribute to workforce housing. A developer could potentially approach the town to propose deed restricting one or more housing units for workforce housing in exchange for the ability to access an agreed-to number of short-term rental certificates.

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