Below, please find several announcements and updates on upcoming events and other important news. Please share this news broadly with your members and email lists. We hope to see you soon!
Placer County Survey: How Can We Best Help You With Your Home Purchasing Needs
Placer County is currently seeking community feedback to help guide future decisions on its Workforce Housing Preservation program through a quick five-minute survey. Survey results may help inform changes to the program, which will be reviewed by the Placer County Board of Supervisors on May 24th. You can take the survey here and learn more about the Workforce Housing Preservation program here.
You can also participate in Placer County Board of Supervisors’ meetings – agendas are typically posted by 5:00 PM on the Wednesday before the Board meeting and can be viewed here. Public comments are always welcome.
April is National Fair Housing Month
National Fair Housing Month celebrates the passage of the Fair Housing Act, which prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of housing based on race, color, national origin, religion, gender, people with disabilities, and families with children. California’s law also prohibits discrimination in housing based on marital status, sexual orientation, ancestry, source of income, and arbitrary characteristics such as age or occupation.
Fair Housing Month reminds us that the principle of fair housing is not only the law, but a fundamental human right for everyone. As a community, we welcome all good neighbors, recognizing the contributions and richness tendered by a wide variety of people from diverse backgrounds, colors, ethnicities or religious traditions.
MHC Partners will be meeting with legislators in Sacramento later this month in order to best represent the housing needs of our region. Some of the legislation our Policy Working Group is watching and/or supporting includes the following:
AB 411: Authorizes the issuance of $600 million in bonds to provide additional funding for provisions within the Veterans Housing and Homelessness Prevention Bond Act of 2022. VHHP finances the development of affordable rental and transitional housing for veterans with an emphasis on housing for homeless and extremely low-income veterans;
AB 880: [Upon appropriation of the Legislature] Establishes the Affordable Disaster Housing Revolving Development and Acquisition Program to fund the predevelopment expenses, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of property to develop or preserve affordable housing in the state’s declared disaster areas that have experienced damage and loss of homes occupied by or affecting lower income households ( bill would require the department to administer the program and establish an application process for community development financial institutions to apply for emergency short-term or temporary loans under the program);
AB 1911: Creates a new Affordable Housing Preservation Tax Credit to support the preservation of tens of thousands of units of affordable housing that are at risk of converting to market rate or of displacing low-income tenants;
AB 2710: Provides a right-of-first-offer and a right-of-first-refusal for tenants and mission-driven nonprofit organizations, when purchasing rental properties to preserve them as permanently affordable.

Join Us For Our (Virtual) Quarterly Meeting on April 22
Our Quarterly meetings are packed with interesting speakers and updates from partners who are working hard to come up with solutions to the region’s housing challenges. This month will include presenters on cohousing, new employer housing and deed restriction programs, updating development standards to enable more housing development, updates on temporary community housing, and more. Attendees will discuss (housing) lessons learned over the last year and future directions. Everyone is welcome to attend and there is a public comment period.
Stay Up To Date With Local Housing Issues and Programs
Follow us on Facebook for weekly housing updates, news, and announcements. Check out our previous meetings for recent housing policy updates and progress; we’ve posted the meeting material from the October 22nd MHC Quarterly Update on the website.
Check Out MHC Partner Updates
Visit MHC’s Partner Highlight Page to learn more about the progress our 29 partners are making on various housing programs and policies.