Approximately $6 billion will flow into affordable housing efforts across California after voters approved two housing propositions on November 6.

Proposition 1 and 2 could result in tens of thousands of new homes being built across the state and help alleviate California’s deepening housing crisis. The California Secretary of State estimated that Proposition 1 alone would help fund 30,000 multi-family housing units and 7,500 homes for farm workers.

The funding will also be used for loan assistance, housing projects near transit, and support for veterans and people with mental illness.

Proposition 1 passed with approximately 54 percent of the vote. Proposition 2 passed with approximately 61 percent approval.

The statewide support for housing initiatives shows how housing has become a key issue for voters.

“There is a strong political constituency for the work we do,” wrote Rob Wiener, executive director for the California Coalition for Rural Housing in an email to supporters.


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